Shockwave for Erectile Dysfunction

More and more men are having shockwave therapy to fix their erectile dysfunction, either at a clinic or self-administered. This is a forum to for men to discuss what experiences they have had, what treatment they used, and what results they obtained.  The goal is to get men to share their ideas, trials, successes and failures in order to help other men working to improve their mojo as well.

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    Topic Replies Views Last post
    Intro - Mahomes 15 by Mahomes15
    7/03/2020 7:18 pm
    4 1,378
    7/04/2020 9:57 pm
    by Mahomes15
    Hi by Luka_
    5/12/2020 9:19 am
    1 782
    5/14/2020 6:08 am
    by dicklimppen
    Hi.... Major ED for over a year (not sure why) by jrwolfman
    4/28/2020 11:29 am
    5 1,708
    4/29/2020 1:23 pm
    by Pleasework
    Hello guys! Coming from Peyronie's disease! by Gabriel
    4/23/2020 2:34 am
    1 692
    Hi everyone (and my story) by zapgood
    4/19/2020 8:57 am
    2 1,055
    Hi fellow frustrated frens by CanuckED
    4/16/2020 6:35 am
    4 1,426
    4/19/2020 6:34 am
    by Pleasework
    Hello from a newbie by jp87
    3/26/2020 9:30 pm
    0 565
    4 1,635
    3/22/2020 9:36 am
    by dicklimppen
    Intro silverbullit by silverbullit
    2/16/2020 6:07 pm
    9 2,651
    3/22/2020 6:52 am
    by silverbullit
    hii from a new member by Luka
    2/22/2020 11:29 am
    0 486
    Kegels and Venous Leakage by Groovin1
    2/17/2020 10:11 am
    1 723
    2/19/2020 4:44 am
    by dicklimppen
    Kegels and Venous Leakage by Groovin1
    2/17/2020 9:00 am
    0 549
    Hey by Doman53
    2/05/2020 12:27 pm
    4 1,466
    looking to rotate out of the LDA by edarmy
    1/29/2020 2:30 pm
    1 832
    1/30/2020 5:49 am
    by dicklimppen
    Greetings, Gang! by Al
    11/25/2019 4:52 am
    8 2,703

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