dicklimppen wrote:
Pleasework wrote:
Groovin1 wrote:
Actually it doesn't ! Maybe this works on foods while still in the stomach , however it gets destroyed in the gut.HOW IS CAVADEX ADMINISTERED?CAVADEX can only be absorbed into the blood stream intravenously or via the rectum. When supplied as an enema, up to 26% of the CAVADEX® is absorbed.
This company is developing a pill than can get through the digestive system though.
That shouldn't be too hard. It has to get aborbed somewhere along the digestive track otherwise you'd just poop it out unabsorbed. I'm pretty sure there are other meds that aren't absorbed until the intestines.
The study I cited shows that when taken orally it reduces cholesterol, so it is having an effect and isn't just destroyed in the stomach.
This article shows they tried to give it orally but it had very little it does have an effect just very little.
Interesting side note. On 06/20/2021 Blood Pressure @ 122/78 on 07/20/2021 BP @ 114/78
If anyone does aware to double your water intake . It seems to have a dehydrating effect.
So worth it though..just getting better every day.
Been doing a lot of research lately as I improve...did you know that prostate problems have a link with cholesterol, also renal function (kidneys) , fatty liver and even eyesight are affected by cholesterol.
I would occasionally have prostate issues before starting this treatment.
The micro enemas are really easy to incorporate into your life. The absorbtion rate HPCD is about 26% so I have increased my dosage to about 16 grams per micro enema which brings me to about ..4Gs per dose or 16Gs daily.
In the Cholrem study the guy is now getting 18Gs per day , have ordered some catheters/cannulas (had to order from a tattoo shop in Canada as you can't get IV supplies in the US without a license and very large syringes to make everything more efficient and will be starting this method....definitely not for the weary.
I have to establish a very sterile area to prepare for the injections and prepare a sterile saline solution (hugely important..if you have ever had septis (a blood infection) you definitely don't want that to happen again.
Progess , the hardness of my erections is BRICK but I still lean on the blue pill, My goal is to make the blue pill go away.
I have multiple rock hard nocturnal erections again to interfere with my nightly pees lol...Haven't had that issue in ages and don't mind it now
Update and My treatment schedule
So been doing 15 grams 3 x per day for 2 months (rectally) .. I recommend that you do this 2 days on and 1-2 days of due to severe dehydration, dehydration so severe that it takes a least a day to gain fluid balance and that is with drinking over a gallon of water on treatment days.
The sex life is like I am in my 30s again except for the days I am dehydrated of course ( all about blood flow and volume.
Since I have made tremendous progress I will be going to 1 treatment a day of 15 grams due to the dehydration side effect.
Good Luck Guys- will give another update in a month, I really do believe I am not far from using no medication at all.
Oh yeah..I forgot to mention , part of my treatment is within one hour of a dose I EDGE , meaning watch porn to get an erection to get the stuff where I most want it.
Last edited by Groovin1 (9/08/2021 7:01 am)
So wait, are you injecting this or using it in a suppository form?
I tried the IV route...It's a little much for me . Hard for me to self administer and HUGE concerns about keeping everything sterile. I did manage 4 IV injections which give results helluva quick, however I definitely wouldn't want to get sepsis now with the hospitals dealing with all the COVID cases it could mean death.
So those are micro enemas..hence the high dosage. Supposedly you only get 26 percent into you bloodstream that way.
@Groovin1 is this the stuff you're using?