Following is a recap of my SW journey. All treatments were with the largest applicator; slightly over 41mm in diameter (area of applicator is ~1338 sq. mm). I suggest guys using a small applicator consider lower energy settings than I used, because you will receive higher energy density hits with a small applicator – a 15mm applicator is 7.5 times denser (area of applicator is ~177 sq. mm) for any given energy setting.
I started with 3 Hertz frequency but soon switched to 4 Hertz. My applicator skips at high frequencies. I used 2 sessions per week except as noted.
I apply ultrasound gel, stretch my penis and press the applicator firmly to apply as much of the shock as possible during treatment. I don't move the applicator while in use except to slightly tilt it. This is unlike Gainswave protocol where the applicator is in constant motion. The applicator tends to skip shocks if pointed up, so I keep it pointed downwards.
Spoiler: My most recent round was 6 treatments, 2 per week, 2800 shocks/treatment at 75mJ with 200 or 300 shocks at each location. There was no loss of sensitivity after treatments, and substantial benefits. After much experimenting this is where I landed.
June – July 2019: I did some initial experimenting. 120mJ – too high. Yikes! 90mJ with 2200 shocks, 6 treatments. Result: Loss of sensitivity after each treatment for about 2 days, sensitivity coming back just in time to get whacked again. 3 weeks after treatment ended I had a good result.
July- August 2019: 1st treatment was a mix of 60/75/90 mJ, 3600 shocks (276K mJ for the session). This was okay. The second treatment was 90mJ for 4400 shocks and that was too much. All progress and then some was lost. I finished the round with 4 treatments of 3300 shocks at 90mJ. Nothing. I probably should have stopped after the second treatment and let myself recover.
September – October 2019: Spooked that I still was non-functional, I decided to cut way back. Six sessions, 30mJ with 2400 shocks per treatment. 5 days between sessions. This was underpowered with the large applicator. At the end my responsiveness was like a balky power lawnmower – pull the cord and the engine turns over a few times then stops.
November – December 2019: Seven sessions, 45mJ with 2400 shocks per treatment. This was still underpowered, but somewhat better than the prior round.
January – February 2020: Seven sessions, 60mJ with 2400 shocks per treatment. During the round I felt this was enough power, and I was getting improvement. A couple of weeks after the round ended my improvement was less than improvement from my first round. There was definitely improvement, though. With the settings I used (except for the round that I overdid it) the relationship between treatment power and benefit seemed more-or-less linear. There also appeared to be a cumulative benefit, as each round built on the prior one.
February – March 2020: Six sessions, 75mJ with 2800 shocks per treatment. It worked, and seems as beneficial as my first 90mJ round. As with the first round, improvement was more noticeable two weeks after completing the round. Unlike the first round, there was no loss of sensitivity after sessions. So I’ll stick with this protocol. I’m curious what another round will do.
So after all these treatments what improvements have you seen after all these months?
I don't snap to attention like a 20 year old, but I get there with some loving partner attention and without pills. I needed the pills before SW. Better morning wood. The little head is "in the conversation" more frequently. That about covers it, I think.
Yobro, Looks like improvement has taken about 9 months. Or do you think the 6 treatments, 2 per week, 2800 shocks/treatment at 75mJ with 200 or 300 shocks at each location, did the trick?
Pleasework wrote:
Yobro, Looks like improvement has taken about 9 months. Or do you think the 6 treatments, 2 per week, 2800 shocks/treatment at 75mJ with 200 or 300 shocks at each location, did the trick?
My best guess is that more than half the benefit came from the last round, with the prior two rounds contributing somewhat. I believe it took a few months recovery time from my mishap last summer before I could start making progress again.
Okay, an update.
I came across a recent study that suggested that twelve sessions twice per week can provide more benefit than a six session cycle:
The same study also compared different energies, concluding that a density higher than I most recently used achieved better results.
Reminder: I have used a large applicator so the energy is spread over a bigger area than the smaller applicators that most guys use. This means I get a lower energy density at any given energy level setting than provided by smaller applicators. But I am also getting a greater total hit of energy at any given energy density.
In prior posts I reported that after overdoing it a year ago and cutting way back, each round I boosted the number of shocks and energy level a bit. My very first round of six treatments in June 2019 used 90mJ and worked okay. My round in March 2020 used 75 mJ, was helpful and caused no damage. A difference between that first round and the March 2020 round is that after completion of the first round there was a bit more inflammation that persisted for a week or so.
My opinion is that inflammation - the tissue tends to stay warm and feels more spongy - provides physical evidence that you've done enough. But this is tricky because while some inflammation is a positive signal, too much will definitely cause a setback. My subjective opinion is that too many shocks in a single location triggers damage, even if the session has a relatively low number of total shocks.
Conversely, my experience is the total number of shocks, and the energy density used can be safely boosted if more locations are used with fewer shocks per location. The wait time between sessions also makes a difference. If you do sessions two days in a row it's probably not much different than doing two sessions on the same day. The risk goes way up.
The sweet spots I've arrived at with my machine and applicator (41mm diameter) seem to be roughly 200-300 shocks per location, no more than 2 sessions per week and 2400 - 3000 shocks per session. Both 75 and 90 mJ will work. Possibly 105 mJ would be okay with a maximum of 200 shocks per location with my large applicator, and fewer shocks per session (but this would be skating on thin ice).
I did a twelve session round that started at the end of June 2020 and concluded at the beginning of August. Differences from prior rounds were that I allowed 4 - 5 days between sessions. Longer time between sessions reduces risk by a little, in my opinion. I boosted energy back to the level of my first round, 90mJ. I limited shocks to a maximum of 300 at each location. With double the number of sessions in the round and a longer period between sessions the round took almost eight weeks to complete. My impression there was additional benefit, but at this point there seems to be diminishing returns from SW.
Unless I'm really tired or distracted getting an erection is no longer an issue. The issue is how long can I maintain it before I run out of gas, so to speak. More than 15 minutes remains a challenge. So there is more to do. Additional SW may help a bit, but I suspect I'll need to get in all around better physical shape. Also, it wouldn't hurt for the pandemic to end so I could get back to my normal life.
Good luck to all!
Thanks for your update!
In order to help other members:
Can people post an update on their progress or non-progress of SELF administration of radial / shockwave therapy?
1) what device (model/make)
2) how many treatments self-administered...
3) A) improvement in percentage from original condition. B) improvement in degrees
4) Do you use in addition to wave therapy
A) pump ?
B) vitamins or supplements for increasing Nitrous Oxide to arteries such as Argenine or formulations?
C) do you use PDE5 inhibitors such as ?