Shockwave for Erectile Dysfunction

More and more men are having shockwave therapy to fix their erectile dysfunction, either at a clinic or self-administered. This is a forum to for men to discuss what experiences they have had, what treatment they used, and what results they obtained.  The goal is to get men to share their ideas, trials, successes and failures in order to help other men working to improve their mojo as well.

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4/16/2020 6:35 am  #1

Hi fellow frustrated frens

Hey there, so I'm 47, smoker (trying to quit), drinker (trying to cut back), non-active (need motivation for exercise), 6'3" 220 lbs. I've been dealing with mild to moderate ED for about 10 years now. But only in the last year have I really noticed it as I have a new girlfriend now. My long term partner and I barely had sex, and when we did, I knew that it was always hard to keep an erection. I thrived on Porn, and other stimuli to keep aroused. But now I'm in love with a healthy girl that loves sex, but has a self confidence issue and my ED seems to make her think that me going limp is because I'm not attracted to her.

Anyway, I've been looking at natural herbs, supplements, teas, for improving blood flow down there, but things aren't happening fast enough. Also, stopped watching porn, nofapped for months, and still not much noticeable results.

So I came across DickLimppen's blog while researching ESWT, and found his journey to optimistic.
I don't think I have a venous leak, but maybe- never got a doppler. But I think I need to clean out my arteries and veins for sure and I also wanted to know if ESWT regains some sensitivity to the shaft and glans- as I seems to loose stimuli when having sex with my very wet girlfriend. I stay "hard" enough for initial penetration, but lose my erection after a few mins. She gets all devastated because she thinks I'm not into her- which is completely opposite of how much I love her and need to fix myself for me and her!
Thank you in advance for any help/advice/support you fellas offer.


4/17/2020 7:03 am  #2

Re: Hi fellow frustrated frens

Hey CanuckED,
It looks like you are serious about taking care of the problem by cutting porn and smoking. I understand completely the thing about your girlfriend thinking your ED is because you are not into her. Been there done that. You should go see a urologist to check out the plumbing. I don't think shockwave can bring back sensitivity. If you do decide to use shockwave, remember that it takes a few months to notice a difference.

Good luck,



4/17/2020 8:58 am  #3

Re: Hi fellow frustrated frens

Hi Dick, thanks for your reply. I just ordered from Amzon the upgraded unit you original bought, but with the LCD display. Should have it in about a week. Looking forward to try it and hoping for some positive results. I'll be posting updates as I go along on this journey. 

I guess perhaps with angiogenisis, the result of more blood flow and possible nerve regeneration is a distinct possibility. The studies and research suggests that the micro fissures caused by LI-ESWT trigger a response where new stem cells are activated in the region and the damaged tissue goes through a repair process. So hopefully more sensitivity could be a positive byproduct of this use. 

I'm not sure if folks are going over the glans with their machines, I'd like to have a more fuller glans at some point. Perhaps with increased blood flow, it will engorge itself automatically??


     Thread Starter

4/18/2020 10:34 am  #4

Re: Hi fellow frustrated frens

Welcome a few suggestions 
Go to the doctor and see what they can possibly observe , I didn't have much luck . The quack I went to laughed at kegels... Kegels have helped me a ton as the muscles keep the blood in your dick, if they are weak it leaks out..simple.
Yeah you probalbly have reduced your blood flow and damaged veins down there too.... ESWT can definitely help but you really have to analyze your sitiuation yourself and learn how your meat works. No one should know your body better than you but if motivated they can help.

Me...viagra had stopped working, I started doing kegels with the help of a butt plug (the plug gives you an idea of how hard you are squeezing ...messy smelly but effective)  to get those muscles going again first, then after erections got easier I started focusing of front kegels (making your erection bounce up and down). Then I bought a ESTW machine and things are getting a lot better, I think I will be off of all pills in a few months.
Be patient and learn the whole anatomy down there ...and yeah start running as well.

Good luck on your journey to recovery.


4/19/2020 6:34 am  #5

Re: Hi fellow frustrated frens

@Groovin1 So how long did it take for you to see improvement from doing Kegels? How many times a day do you do Kegels? I bought an app, to remind me to do them. 

Last edited by Pleasework (4/19/2020 7:29 am)


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