Shockwave for Erectile Dysfunction

More and more men are having shockwave therapy to fix their erectile dysfunction, either at a clinic or self-administered. This is a forum to for men to discuss what experiences they have had, what treatment they used, and what results they obtained.  The goal is to get men to share their ideas, trials, successes and failures in order to help other men working to improve their mojo as well.

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1/16/2020 7:56 am  #1

Hello to everyone.

51 year old fit male , no high blood pressure or any serious medical issues. I do however smoke and really think that it doesn't help the situation but I don't think that is the root cause to my ED. I had a serious Crack habit back in the late 90's and that's when the decline started. I do believe that somehow the drug cocaine which is water soluble leads to a rapid decline in the urinary tract and pelvic floor muscles. I will put it this way , I run with 23 year old recruits and hold my own so I said I am fit.
My journey to recovery began with lots of kegels and they definitely helped, but not a solution completely .

Purchased a ESWT machine from China and got to work after looking from a distance due to the treatment not being available in the U.S. at the time.

Results------ Loving it first week I went nuts and beat the hell out of my privates and of course it took 2 weeks to recover (lesson learned lol)
Started getting morning wood again almost immediately.
Took 2 weeks off limited to 2500 shots every other day and things are going smoothly , this is not an overnight process, let your manhood heal.
So 5 weeks into this , I have sensitivity again , unlike the blue pill I actually am loving the feeling of penetration, getting hard before being touched and ...I can actually orgasm in a decent amount of time.
I don't have to constantly be touched to stay hard.
I suggest you just buy a machine, I think this is an area where treatment should be controlled by the user and everyone is in a different situation as far as there sexual health is concerned. 
I am going to treat myself til my angle is at a 20 year olds, don't forget to do the kegels as they are the muscular part to the erection equation.

Last edited by Groovin1 (1/16/2020 8:26 am)


1/16/2020 2:49 pm  #2

Re: Hello to everyone.

Hey Groovin1,
Wow, you've got some good results. I'm happy to hear it. Keep us up to date.


1/16/2020 4:04 pm  #3

Re: Hello to everyone.

Hey Groovin1
63 year old no blood pressure problem until recently (not bad enough for medicine yet) and never had a serious medical problem but i am probably 40 pounds over weight. Trying to get weight off by walking 25 to 40 miles a week but i have realized i will have to cut calories also. I've said that to say this-i started smoking when i was 13 to 14 years old and this June will be 2 years smoke free. I started taking Viagra around 45, went through a divorce (3 years getting divorce) starting around 56 (after nearly 40 years together, i found out she had a boyfriend). Met a great woman around 60 and first time we had sex i knew something wasn't right, and down hill from there. 12 months later only way to get an erection was a pump. Started using a shockwave machine last fall with good results quickly then i went backwards and now also using trimix also. I've been to see 1 general practitioner (that i've been seeing regularly for 30 years and 2 urologist in different cities.

All 3 doctors think my years of smoking is why i'm having this problem and now i do too.

BTW my dad is almost 92 and stopped smoking at 50 ears old. He told me a couple of months ago he still craves a cigarette once in a while.


2/17/2020 8:21 am  #4

Re: Hello to everyone.

Do you practice Kegels... I have read medical and ancedotal articles about the weakening of the pelvic floor creating the problem of venous leaks. 
I knew right off the bat this was one of my issues due to sudden deflation. Started doing kegels and things got a lot better but still inconsistent. 
Then I got this machine and things are changing for the better.

     Thread Starter

2/17/2020 8:32 am  #5

Re: Hello to everyone.

Update on numerous issues

First of all the power settings after doing some math and trying to figure out what power to use I have found that 50-70 MJ (this is for a 5mm-10mm head , the bigger the head the higher the power) seems to be the most effective and also gives that "rubber band snap" that people who have the treatment have described (man, I see why they use numbing cream).
Secondly , my endurance has doubled on my 3rd round.
Thirdly , because my circulation is better it makes it a lot easier to do kegels, when I first started doing kegels I had to use a but plug to gauge the strength of my contractions due to not being able to maintain hardness, it's a lot easier to gauge when you man meat is jumping up and down lol.
4rth note I am at slightly above a 90 degree angle now I would use to point downward at about 70 degrees.
5th note ....Multiple bouts of nightime erections... I forgot the skill needed to get up with those things and have to try and aim it at the toilet ... Hell I don't mind cleaning more often for this.


     Thread Starter

2/17/2020 8:50 am  #6

Re: Hello to everyone.

Update on numerous issues

First of all the power settings after doing some math and trying to figure out what power to use I have found that 50-70 MJ (this is for a 5mm-10mm head , the bigger the head the higher the power) seems to be the most effective and also gives that "rubber band snap" that people who have the treatment have described (man, I see why they use numbing cream).
Secondly , my endurance has doubled on my 3rd round.
Thirdly , because my circulation is better it makes it a lot easier to do kegels, when I first started doing kegels I had to use a but plug to gauge the strength of my contractions due to not being able to maintain hardness, it's a lot easier to gauge when you man meat is jumping up and down lol.
4rth note I am at slightly above a 90 degree angle now I would use to point downward at about 70 degrees.
5th note ....Multiple bouts of nightime erections... I forgot the skill needed to get up with those things and have to try and aim it at the toilet ... Hell I don't mind cleaning more often for this.


     Thread Starter

2/17/2020 11:01 am  #7

Re: Hello to everyone.

Sounds like you are having great success!  Do you mind sharing exactly which machine you purchased?


2/17/2020 11:09 am  #8

Re: Hello to everyone.

I purchased a Chinese made one from ebay...I think they are all pretty much the same.  I can't post a link on here for some reason.
Just be sure you don't get duped because there is one company that is selling an Ultra Sound machine and calling it an ESWT machine and they are selling it at 15 times the price of an ultrasound machine. 
I spent $1200 on mine I have seen cheaper lately.

     Thread Starter

2/22/2020 11:29 am  #9

Re: Hello to everyone.

Which model is? thanks groovin


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