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ED on and off since 20s. Had a great result with a pricey machine several years back but blew it by overdoing it.
Have now bought one a fifth of the cost.
Using standard settings this time (it has an ED option). No2 head (about 10mm), 60MJ, 1500 shocks total every other day for 3 weeks. 3 weeks off.
Currently i am 13 on the IIEF.
iief is a standard questionaire?
Hello, yes, do a search on Google ;)
Already decided to change my settings to what worked before, but at a lower power so as not to overdo it (hopefully).
Largest head at 90MJ setting.
Nothing happening yet. I'm started taking the pine bark and Life Extension supplements. Worth a try.
Sticking with 1800 shocks, largest head at 90 setting. 300 shocks per area at 4hz (on readout - doesn't sound like 4 hz more like 3).
I also added Cialis Daily (2.5mg) but noticed nothing so stopped.
Last edited by ShrimpsWhisker (4/06/2021 9:26 am)
Hi there
Interesting that the cialis does not help, i would think you at least get more morning erections.
I did i think one month with daily half levitra tab (which works for like about 6 hours) at night, for better night erections, and i think it works. People on forums said it works a bit long term. Whenever i take viagra the night before in the morning i also see more morning erections.
Hm, pine bark.
I ordered red panax ginseng extract 3g per day, on examine.com it showed good results for erections in a study
Would appreciate if you take a look at my thread:
Especially the video in the last post, if i do this right.
And if i should take the flat 15mm or the concave 15mm.
Wondering why you take the 10mm, i always read they took 15mm in the studies.
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