I am a 56 yr man who has been struggling with mild ED for about 5 years. I was diagnosed with low testosterone. During the past 3 yrs the symptoms have become worse. I usually get nocturnal erections but other that, when aroused my erections don't last very long . I started testosterone and HCG shots in June 2019. My testosterone level is now with in range but so far there has not been a significant improvement with my erection quality.
I found this group about a week ago while browsing another forum . I am thankful for the information that I found here. I am hoping to have a go at D.I.Y. shock wave and see how it goes. I am not sure which machine to buy. But i am leaning toward =14pxGinha HL -1602 that is sold on ebay. Well, I hope to keep the group posted.
Welcome Peet64. I had high hopes of TRT when I started about two-years ago, as well. When I initially began, my total T level was 323, which was low for a 39-year-old. Within six-months, it was in the 800-900 range. I always had, and still do have, hard nocturnal erections but I fell flat when the moment counted (at least without the help of a pill). My doc charged extra for the HCG so I didn't spring for that until year two, hoping for a miracle but it didn't do the trick.
Hopefully, it works for you but you can achieve the same T level by just increasing your injection and save a lot of money. My doc said that the HCG only has a real effect on 10-20% of guys. If you're not worried about a little ball shrinkage, it's not really worth the cash. I've been off HCG now for a while and can't tell the difference.
Despite not curing the ED, I don't regret starting TRT. I feel and look great, and have probably added ten pounds of muscle, although I do have deal with mild acne on my back but an antibiotic every couple months clears it up.
I'm on my third round of SWT, each has been three-weeks on followed by three-weeks of recovery. I'm also taking 5mg of Cialis daily. When taking care of business myself, things have been going great. Unfortunately, my wife has been dealing with a very serious medical condition since the beginning November so I can't report on real world results, but I'm hopeful.
In a way, ED has made me a better person. The first thing I did was start working out and running consistently, which I have stuck to for eight-years. Second, I started eating healthier food. Third, I started meditating to calm my performance anxiety. In turn, that lead to an interest in secular Buddhism, which has helped me let go of stress and desire in all areas of my life.
I suppose this is a rather long-winded way of saying there is probably not one simple answer to the suffering ED causes. It takes a holistic approach, physically and mentally. The upshot is all lessons gleaned can benefit so many other areas of your life. Good luck on the journey.
Greetings. I'm 57. Been managing ED since I was 50. That's when I got divorced and started dating again. My marriage had been sexless for years and years. I assumed, wrongly, that when I started dating again, my plumbing would work just like in the good old days. Fortunately I discovered a little black pill of Chinese origin, and that's been my mostly reliable go-to ever since. With this black pill, I'm fine; sometimes quite impressive. Without it, penetration is not possible. My pill has the same active ingredient as Viagra. I'm just too lazy to go to the doctor to get Rx.
Sometimes even the black pill doesn't get the job done. 5-10% fail rate. Lately, it's been more frequent fails, which has coincided with a sugar binge over the holidays that plastered 10 pounds onto my gut, and I was already wandering into slightly overweight territory. Additionally, I've lately been working myself to the point of exhaustion. And my 10-month relationship with my GF has become increasingly stressful as we realize more and more how profoundly flawed both of us are.
I'd seen Gainswave advertised in my local newspaper, and my research brought me here. I don't mind spending $3K if it's going to help, but like I said above, making one doctors appointment is a challenge for me, let alone scheduling 6-12 treatments.
Dick's blog has inspired me to give DIY a go.
I've read most of the posts here, but I am still unclear on what is the best machine to buy. Would appreciate any recommendations. Thanks.
Welcome Rickster. Wow is your story similar to many of ours. There are decent machines for under $500 out there.