November, I turned 69 years old. Within the past 2 years, I find my erections not the same. Before, I could get erections, orgasms and ejaculations easily. Now, I can achieve erections but not the same hardness. Also, my ejaculations are very weak. When I use Cialis, my erections are hard but I would like to not have to rely on pills.
I have two questions: 1, Should I go to a urologist to check my testosterone level? 2. Does the ED machine treatment increase sensitivity in the penis head?
Finally, I am thankful for finding men that are willing to share their experiences about a very personal matter.
boomer_50 wrote:
I have two questions: 1, Should I go to a urologist to check my testosterone level?
Yes, get your T checked.
boomer_50 wrote:
2. Does the ED machine treatment increase sensitivity in the penis head?
No, it just increases blood flow.
Let us know how your treatment progresses.
There is a subtle difference between sensitivity and responsiveness. I agree with dicklimppen about sensitivity. Apparently due to my SW program I seem to get somewhat more response from the same stimulation.