Well after 3 weeks of having a useless dick it finally snapped back on week 4. And as I predicted it's stronger than ever.
Lessons- You can overdue and make your junk useless for a month ..don't think I will be setting up to 90mj again unless I am using the largest head. Also don't freak out if it happens to you, you will recover.
Well, gonna wrap up this thread with my final notes.
1) EQ has taken a big step forward, I don't suggest this route however do to almost a month of severe ED. My symptoms were a combination of what felt like an internal spread out scalding as well as really weak supporting muscles in the pelvic floor.
2) If you do do this kegel your way out of it and be will come back strong
I will say that I am giving myself 12 weeks before I treat again since that is the amount of time people seem to be indicating for a full effect from treatments.
I may update again...depending on noticable further improvement or decline.
Not suggesting any changes in protocol for anyone but just providing my experience and I am super happy this treatment is working.
@Groovin1, thanks again for posting your experience. Although I don't have a machine yet your experience has given me some hope. I hope you're not abandoning this site. We'd still like to hear how you're doing.
So after overdoing it and barely functioning sexually for about 6 weeks, I started having multiple nocturnal erections ...hard a a brick. then it still took 2 weeks before that translated to improved sexual performance.
It seems that is right in line with the published effects after treatment. I think giving yourself 3 months off is pretty important.
Back on it with a top power of 60mj... I still am getting mild dysfunction after treatment at this setting. but doing 6 treatments @ 2500 shocks this time.
One more treatment and then I will try to keep you guys updated on the time it takes me to get back to previous function.
Since I have improved so much I may continue to reduce the power as the not being fully functional for any period of time sucks.
Groovin1 wrote:
Well after 3 weeks of having a useless dick it finally snapped back on week 4. And as I predicted it's stronger than ever.
Lessons- You can overdue and make your junk useless for a month ..don't think I will be setting up to 90mj again unless I am using the largest head. Also don't freak out if it happens to you, you will recover.
Great news!
So after my recovery and improvement I modified my treatments to 50 mj with 2500 hits. I did this for six days in a row.
Recovery time was shortened to 5 days.. much better . Of course I won't see the effect for probably at least 2 months.
Now that I have made progress and had a mishap it's easier for me to wait for improvements instead of over doing it.
Not a big fan of the recovery time... I think my next round will be at 40 mj.
Groovin, Could it be that you are doing everyday sessions that is causing you temporary loss of ED. This hasn't been recommended anywhere, twice a week max I would believe at most.
Went to 40 to 50mj @ 7500 shock this round...I had to recover again. This time I was down 5 week not fun.
The good news is at week 6 there is noticeable improvement...I may get off the pills yet. I will wait the full 3 months before the next treatment. The next treatment I will set it at 30. I am feeling confident enough in the treatments that I just want it my junk functional at all times and see if it can get better also.
I am happy today .
AG wrote:
Groovin, Could it be that you are doing everyday sessions that is causing you temporary loss of ED. This hasn't been recommended anywhere, twice a week max I would believe at most.
That is a possibility , however professionals don't have a template on frequency of treatment. It's still all over the place.